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Hey, happy to have you here!

Nuno Veloso is a 23 year-old from Coimbra, Portugal. All of his education was carried out there until the end of his Bachelor in Computer Engineering, at the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra.

During his academic progress, particularly at Avelar Brotero secondary school, he was regularly on the school's honor rolls.
He worked for around seven months with a local company, as part of his Bachelor internship, involved in the development of an internationally funded situational awareness application, in Augmented Reality (AR), which aims to provide biometric and locational data to healthcare professionals and assistance on the ground, in the context of the occurrence of natural disasters.


He's a self-proclaimed cinephile who loves to play videogames and be outdoors, mainly hiking and swimming, in his off-time.
Currently finishing his Masters degree in Digital Games Development, during which he interned shortly as a full stack developer in beggining stages of a mobile videogame prototype, and co-created a few serious games.

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